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Sectional Title & Community Schemes

If you are looking for expert advice on Sectional Title Law in South Africa, you have come to the right place. I am a specialist property law attorney with extensive experience in advising both trustees and managing agents on the legal aspects of sectional title schemes. 

Sectional title schemes are a form of property ownership where multiple individuals own sections of a larger property or development, such as apartments or townhouses, and share the use and maintenance of common property, such as gardens or pools. 

Sectional title schemes are governed by various laws and regulations, such as the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act 8 of 2011, and the Community Schemes Ombud Services Act 9 of 2011. These laws set out the rules for the establishment, registration, management, and dispute resolution of sectional title schemes, as well as the rights and obligations of owners, trustees, and managing agents. 

As an expert in Sectional Title Law, I can assist you with any legal matter related to your sectional title scheme, such as drafting or reviewing contracts, resolving disputes, enforcing rules, collecting levies, or complying with legislation. I can also advise you on the best practices and procedures for running a successful and harmonious sectional title scheme. Whether you are a trustee or a managing agent, you can rely on my professional and personalised service to help you navigate the complex and dynamic field of Sectional Title Law in South Africa.